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difference between plc and embedded system

embedded system
         We generally say Embedded Systems means H/W + S/W. But we do not mention the percentage of H/W and S/W mix. It varies from  the day Embedded System was introduced. In initial days Embedded System means 90% H/W and 10%S/W. But now a days Embedded System means 90% S/W and 10%H/W.  When it comes to S/W one has to practice a lot. Practicing SW is a wonderful art. You should establish a healthy relationship with the system. This takes time. One has to have patience to wait and has be 100% genuine.

         In S/W, there are two approaches, Top to Bottom approach and Bottom to Top approach. Most of  Electronic students take Bottom to Top approach. This was fine during the initial days of Embedded Systems. But today's Embedded Systems  calls for Top to Bottom approach. There should be a change in Electronics student's approach in handling Embedded Systems. Generally Electronics students think in detail. Their mind is filled with finer details like ICs, Transistors and Circuits.

         Most of the Electronics graduates are interested in Embedded Systems, but they are not able to enter into the Embedded Systems field. The reason is, they refuse to change their attitude towards programming. The following points will help an electronics student shine in Embedded field.

- Programming computers and programming embedded systems are same
- Let me write my own programming
- First put the design on paper
- Start writing algorithm from simple problems
- Never change the code without changing the algorithm
- Starting writing the code on paper first and then on computer

        Even though programming computers and programming embedded systems are same, here are few points to stress the fact.

                    Computers                           Embedded Systems
                       printf                                     write_pin
                       scanf                                      read_pin
                       functions                               controllers
                       function parameters            writing registers
                       ....                                           .....

       So if anyone practices normal C programming in computers for few months he/she can easily enter into embedded systems field. There are somethings specific to embedded systems field and those things can be learned once you master C programming.


PLCs are industrial controllers for manufacturing companies. In terms of why they are used instead of just hooking everything up to a Windows PC and letting the plant run:

PLC Hardware:
-The hardware in a PLC is designed to run all the time without EVER being shut down, run in a harsh environment, and not need things like antivirus patches, windows updates etc
-The input/output cards in a PLC are designed to be modular in that you can choose to purchase as many IO cards (or cards for other functions like networking) as you wish and add these on to the PLC

PLC Software
-The language used to program a PLC (most commonly, Ladder Logic) is graphical in nature and looks very similar to an electrical drawing showing relays and contacts. The reasoning for this is that PLCs were invented to replace actual electrical relays that were hardwired together. However, the same plant maintenance folks that debug and troubleshoot the hardware often also troubleshoot the PLC code, so it is useful to have a language that looks similar for maintainability.

It is ideal to learn PLC for begineers. Once you master it, go for SCADA. Choose wisely. It's upto your interest.


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